The Genius of Steve Jobs Behind Apple’s Success - II

Abhishek Attri
5 min readAug 14, 2023


Honoring the Visionary Who Changed the World 🫡

Image source:

Welcome to the second chapter of the ‘Honoring the Steve Jobs’ series on this blog! In case you missed it, you can catch up on the first part here.

The Rise and Fall of Jobs at Apple

During Steve Jobs’ first few years at Apple, the company grew quickly and made a lot of groundbreaking innovations. With the success of the Apple II, the company became the leader in the personal computer market in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Apple’s rise to become a tech powerhouse was greatly helped by Jobs’s visionary leadership and dedication to making products that are easy for people to use.

In 1983, Apple started making the Lisa computer, which was a high-tech but pricey system. But Lisa’s high price made it hard for people to buy it, and sales were not good. During this time, IBM and other computer makers were tough competitors for Apple. Tensions were brewing within the company’s leadership, and Steve Jobs’ management style was increasingly at odds with the board of directors.

Apple Lisa 1 | Image source: Wikipedia
Apple Lisa I specs for the nerds 🤓:

Microprocessor: Powered by the Motorola 68000 at 5 MHz, driving multitasking capabilities and GUI interactions.
Memory: Equipped with 1 MB RAM, enabling seamless handling of complex tasks and applications.
Storage: Featured dual 5.25-inch floppy drives, offering storage and data exchange.
Display: Showcased a 12-inch B&W display with 720x364 resolution, pioneering high-quality graphics.
OS: Ran the Lisa Office System, introducing a user-friendly graphical interface.
Software: Bundled with word processing, spreadsheet tools, and more, enhancing productivity.
Interface: Utilized a detachable keyboard and LisaMouse for intuitive user interaction.
Ports: Included printer, serial ports, and external Profile hard disk support, expanding connectivity.
Price: Marketed at $9,995, positioned as a premium solution within the industry.
Features: Introduced hierarchical files, access controls, and networking, advancing functionality.

Steve Jobs’ exit from Apple

The development of the Macintosh was also a turning point for both Apple and Steve Jobs. Jobs saw Macintosh as a revolutionary product with graphical user interfaces and simplicity. However, budget overruns and delays affected the project for bad. Jobs and other Apple executives, including CEO John Sculley, whom Jobs had hired from PepsiCo to lead the company, clashed over these issues. Sculley’s board of directors began to see Jobs’ leadership style as disruptive and potentially harmful to Apple’s growth.

During a power struggle, the board decided to relieve Jobs of his managerial responsibilities, effectively removing him from Apple’s operational role. The decision devastated Jobs, who felt betrayed by the people he hired. Jobs’ departure from Apple was a highly publicized and painful event. He resigned from the company he co-founded, which had played an important role in his life.

Jobs’ Next Chapter: The Birth of NeXT Computer

Steve Jobs unveils his NEXT computer ‘Cube’ on Oct 12, 1988 | Source: BellLabs@X

After leaving Apple in 1985, Jobs founded NeXT Computer, a company dedicated to the development of high-end workstations and software for the education and business markets. Despite market challenges, NeXT’s legacy lives on through its design principles and technological foundation.

The Triumphant Return of Steve Jobs

In December 1996, Steve Jobs returned to Apple when it agreed to acquire NeXT for $400 Million. This brought Steve Jobs back to the company he had helped start!

Image source: Newsweek’s iMac feature, May 1998

Jobs started out as a consultant, but he soon took on a more active role. He became interim CEO in 1997 and was later appointed permanent CEO. Jobs started right away to simplify Apple’s product line and put the company’s attention back on innovation and design. This was the era of the rebirth of Apple. Here are some of the most notable innovations and products introduced during this period:

  1. iMac (1998): Colorful all-in-one computer redefining design and user-friendliness.
  2. iBook (1999): Stylish laptop with a clamshell design and vibrant colors.
  3. Mac OS X (2001): Modern OS with Aqua interface and stable foundation.
  4. iPod (2001): Iconic music player revolutionizing digital music consumption.
  5. iTunes Store (2003): Digital media store changing media distribution.
  6. iPhone (2007): Revolutionary smartphone with touch screen and apps.
  7. App Store (2008): Platform transforming app development and distribution.
  8. iPad (2010): Game-changing tablet redefining media consumption.
  9. Retina Display (2010): High-resolution screens offering stunning visuals.
  10. Apple Watch (2015): Wearable tech integrating health and technology.

The Timeless Legacy of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs’ triumphant return to Apple, as well as the subsequent success of products such as the iPhone and iPad, demonstrated his legacy as a visionary leader. He set Apple apart from its competition with his focus on seamless hardware and software integration, as well as his enthusiasm for design and user experience.

Jobs’ life was tragically cut short in 2011 when he died at the age of 56 from complications from a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor. However, his influence on Apple, the technology industry, and the world at large remains. His ability to think differently and push the boundaries of innovation left an indelible mark on Apple’s products, the company’s ethics, and this world!

To date, this will remain one of the most motivating speeches ever made:

Thank you for accompanying me on this exploration of Steve Jobs’ enduring legacy 🙏🏻 You can find the part-1 here.



Abhishek Attri

Animal lover ❤️ DevOps & Cloud enthusiast 🖥️ Always learning and fascinated by technology🕹️. Glad to connect! 🤝👇